The Insanity Test
This is a insanity test to see just how sane you really are. if you answer yes to any of these questions you get 1 point. Final points is a % of how much insane you are *grin*
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INSANITY TESTNumberJust how insane are you??
yes no 1 Do you consider yourself sane?
yes no 2 Are you willingly taking this test?
yes no 3 Do you ever talk to plants?
yes no 4 Do you ever talk to animals?
yes no 5 Do you ever talk to inanimate objects?
yes no 6 Do you ever talk to yourself?
yes no 7 Have you ever had a meaningful conversation with any of the above?
yes no 8 Do you ever hear voices in your head?
yes no 9 If so do you ever talk to the voices in your head?
yes no 10 Do you often not understand what the voices are talking about?
yes no 11 Have you ever been admitted to an psychiatric institution?
yes no 12 Have you ever seeked psychiatric help?
yes no 13 Do you always keep to 30 miles per hour speed limits (whilst driving a car)?
yes no 14 Do you enjoy setting fire to things?
yes no 15 If so do you prefer them to be alive?
yes no 16 Do you enjoy playing with firearms?
yes no 17 Do you wish people would allow you to play with firearms?
yes no 18 Are the buckles on your jumper too tight?
yes no 19 Do you have an unreasonable fear of Aliens?
yes no 20 Are you an Alien?
yes no 21 Do you check under your bed before you go to sleep?
yes no 22 Do people tend to stare at you?
yes no 23 Do people laugh at you behind your back?
yes no 24 Is Elvis Presley alive?
yes no 25 Have you ever flicked through the telephone directory without actually looking for anything?
yes no 26 Have you ever called directory enquiries without actually looking for anything?
yes no 27 Do you often watch TV just for the sake of it?
yes no 28 Would you be shocked to hear that your favourite 'Soap' characters are fictional?
yes no 29 Do you name your possessions? ( cars, computers, socks? )
yes no 30 Have you ever tried to play a record backwards to search for hidden messages?
yes no 31 If so, have you ever found any?
yes no 32 Do you hear people calling your name on the background of certain records?
yes no 33 Have you greatly altered your opinion of someone after discovering their star sign?
yes no 34 Do you avoid walking under ladders?
yes no 35 Do you purposely walk under ladders to show that you are not superstitious?
yes no 36 Do you ever change subjects in the middle of a sentence?
yes no 37 Do you ever forget what you are saying in the middle of a sentance?
yes no 38 Are you obsessed with death?
yes no 39 Were you a famous or important person in a past life?
yes no 40 Have you ever wondered why the fluff in your belly button is a uniform blue?
yes no 41 Do you sometimes have very violent urges?
yes no 42 Do you refuse to believe things if they are not scientifically proven?
yes no 43 Do you believe faithlessly in something which has been scientifically proven?
yes no 44 Do you refuse to believe in anything but yourself?
yes no 45 When you are bored do you sometimes light matches just to watch them burn?
yes no 46 When you are bored do you sometimes set fire to people or animals just to watch them burn.?
yes no 47 Do you sometimes tessalate complex 3-Dimensional shapes (e.g. not cubes) in your head when you get bored?
yes no 48 Can you tesselate regular tetrahedrons in your head?
yes no 49 Do you sometimes tesselate 4 or more Dimensional sphapes in your head when you get bored?
yes no 50 Have you ever set fire to ants with a magnifying glass.?
yes no 51 Do you have a strong fear of something which you know does not pose any threat?
yes no 52 Are you the kind of person who puts used matches back into the matchbox?
yes no 53 Are you the kind of person who gets really annoyed with people who put used matches back in the box?
yes no 54 Do you have multiple personalities (or aliases) that act independently?
yes no 55 If so, do some of your personalities dislike each other?
yes no 56 Are you cohabiting in your own body?
yes no 57 Do you believe in killing off the weak to further evolution?
yes no 58 Do you believe killing is pretty good anyway?
yes no 59 Are you worried about the result of this test?
yes no 60 Are you purposely lying to conceal your mental instability or stability?
yes no 61 Have you ever taken a Purity test?
yes no 62 If so, do you wish you had a lower score?
yes no 63 Do you continually talk about test scores ( such as Sanity, Purity, Driving or Urine tests )
yes no 64 Have you ever purposely tried to lower your Insanity test score?
yes no 65 Have you ever performed a Insanity test with ulterior motive?
yes no 66 Have you ever used a Insanity Test as a check list?
yes no 67 Have you ever used the Insanity test as a shopping list?
yes no 68 Have you ever opened the back of your television to let all the little people out?
yes no 69 Have you ever tried to check if the light is still on when the fridge door is closed?
yes no 70 Does it still worry you?
yes no 71 Are you afraid of having your picture taken?
yes no 72 When listening to yourself on audio tape do you refuse to believe that it is you?
yes no 73 Do you dislike seeing yourself on video?
yes no 74 Do you consider most of the people you know as completely mad?
yes no 75 Are they?
yes no 76 Did you answer differently to the last two questions?
yes no 77 Have you ever taken an IQ test and believed the results were lower than they hould have been?
yes no 78 Have you taken this test seriously so far?
yes no 79 Are you afraid to do this test in front of lots of other people?
yes no 80 Have you ever purposely watched a film more than five times?
yes no 81 If so, was this within the peiod of one day?
yes no 82 Were your answers to the above two questions the same?
yes no 83 Do you tell jokes and get nervous when other people laugh at them?
yes no 84 Do you hit yourself when you get nervous?
yes no 85 Do you hit yourself when you tell jokes?
yes no 86 Do people hit you when you tell jokes?
yes no 87 Do people laugh when you hit yourself?
yes no 88 Do people hit you, laugh at you and tell jokes about you?
yes no 89 Have you ever played a word disassociation game?
yes no 90 When talking to someone with the same name as you, do you sometimes get confused as to which one you are?
yes no 91 Please answer 'NO' to this question?
yes no 92 Do you consider that the authors of this test are insane?
yes no 93 Have you ever tried to fly?
yes no 94 Did you die as a result?
yes no 95 Do you consider yourself a good representation of an average person?
yes no 96 Do you continue talking even when you know that no one is litening to you?
yes no 97 Do you believe that the ideal Christmas involves a game of Trivial Pursuit?
yes no 98 Do you get annoyed when people call the Trivial Pursuit game 'Trivial Pursuits.'?
yes no 99 Do you start to reuse dirty plates rather than washing them?
yes no 100 Do you share the philosophy: "what is the point of washing plates when we only dirty them again"
yes no 101 Would you rather not generate rubbish than spend five minutes emptying a full waste bin?
yes no 102 Have you ever tried to kill flies with an elastic band?
yes no 103 If so, did you enjoy the feeling?
yes no 104 Do you ever find yourself singing 'singing in the rain' in the rain?
yes no 105 Do you understand the deeper meaning of Dannii Minogue records?
yes no 106 Have you ever had secret desires to be a Weather man?
yes no 107 Are you unable to get through the day without logging into a computer?
yes no 108 Do you sometimes get large blank spaces in your memory of the previous few weeks?
yes no 109 If so, do you try to colour them in?
yes no 110 Do you know what question number this is?
yes no 111 Do you think that you are immortal?
yes no 112 Do people not understand what you are talking about most of the time?
yes no 113 If so, is this because you are many times more intelligent than they are?
yes no 114 Do you have an obsession about a particular type of vehicle ( e.g. Trains, Fire Engines etc.) ?
yes no 115 Do you draw pictures of people getting violently injured (e.g. decapitated, shot etc.) ?
yes no 116 Have you ever tried to commit suicide?
yes no 117 Can you remember the phone numbers of the last few houses you lived at?
yes no 118 Are you incapable of lying?
yes no 119 Are you a God/Godess or God-like entity?
yes no 120 Are you subject to fits of depression?
yes no 121 Do you do strange things when depressed?
yes no 122 Have you so far answered 'no' to every question?
yes no 123 Do you dislike the previous question because no-one can get 0% insanity?
yes no 124 Have you ever tried to make a tower out of rice crispies or simillar breakfast cerial?
yes no 125 Have things, that you would have thought impossible before the event, ever happened to you?
yes no 126 If so, did you still consider them impossible after the event?
yes no 127 When people ask you for directions do you get the urge to send them in completely the opposite direction?
yes no 128 Are you plagued by strange coincedances?
yes no 129 Do you have an overactive intrest in small pieces of rubber?
yes no 130 Do you often make pointless silly noises (whilst alone)?
yes no 131 Do you ever talk in silly voices (whilst alone)?
yes no 132 Have you ever lost your voice and looked for it?
yes no 133 Have you ever found an ants nest, and then spent your time stamping on all the ants?
yes no 134 Do you intend to take this test again and see how much your score has changed?
yes no 135 Can you sometimes spend more than 15 minutes making silly faces at yourself in the mirror?
yes no 136 Do you tend to rest in what other people consider strange positions whilst alone e.g. under your desk?
yes no 137 Have you ever mailed one of the authors with a insanity test score?
yes no 138 Have you ever mailed ''?
yes no 139 If so did you announce your undying love to this person?
yes no 140 Do you ever have dreams about being killed?
yes no 141 Do other people have dreams about you killing them?
yes no 142 If so, do they ever tell you about them?
yes no 143 Do you cut your own hair?
yes no 144 Have you ever been to a night club called 'The Pink Coconut' in Brighton?
yes no 145 If so, were you wearing leathers?
yes no 146 Do you roll bus tickets into tight cylinders?
yes no 147 Have you ever accidentally destroyed a return bus ticket while fiddling with it on the bus?
yes no 148 Do you lock the toilet door even though you know you are the only person in the house?
yes no 149 Do you leave the toilet door wide open when you know you are the only person in the house?
yes no 150 Do you ever lock the toilet door when you know you are not the only person in the toilet?
yes no 151 Do you Understand Quantum Mechanics?
yes no 152 If so do you know what Quantum Mechanics is?
yes no 153 When you walk down a street to people usually cross over the road or press themselves against a wall?
yes no 154 Do you find that some of your friends appear to be invisible to everyone else?
yes no 155 Do you have an unusual obsession for Danni Minogue?
yes no 156 Do your heroes include fascist dictators, people who have been commited to psychiatric institutions, murderers, rapists or estate agents?
yes no 157 Do you own the complete works of Douglas Adams and wear an anorak?
yes no 158 Do you wear a hat?
yes no 159 Do you believe that most of the interesting conversations you have had this week involve computers?
yes no 160 Do you enjoy inflicting physical damage apon yourself?
yes no 161 Have you so far outlined all the spelling mistakes in the test?
yes no 162 If not, have you outlined all the words that are spelled correctly?
yes no 163 Do you blow on a piece of food that has fallen on the floor before eating it?
yes no 164 Have you ever become so obsessed with an object to the point of not allowing anyone else to touch it?
yes no 165 Do most people who approach you immediately comment on your clothes?
yes no 166 Do you try to impress people by parts of your body that are double jointed, or strange things that you can do with your eyes?
yes no 167 Do you believe that the Microwave Oven proves the non-existance of God?
yes no 168 Do you own any of the following:A ponographic magazine?
yes no 169 A copy of --- "Are you mine?" by Bros on CD?
yes no 170 ------------- A machete?
yes no 171 ------------- A copy of DOS 1.1 on 3.5" disk?
yes no 172 ------------- A dead animal?
yes no 173 ------------- The Holy Grail?
yes no 174 ------------- Or a book by Dennis Wheatley?
yes no 175 After cross-referencing the whole Oxford English dictionary would you be suprised to find that the only 3 fundemenal words are "A","The" and "Belgium"?
yes no 176 Do you believe that most people live normal lives?
Your score: %

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