From the Whitby Gothic Weekend!!
[Apr 24th - Apr 26th 1998]
(Thanks to Sian, Sal, and Colin for the Photos!!!)


This was AJ's first Whitby experience, and it did not scare him off!! He has since become a regular visitor to the Whitby gothic weekends, and has even introduced it to his lovely girlfriend…

Or should that be fiancée now, Congratulations!! You two make a lovely couple.

Two things are always guaranteed with AJ.
1) He will always look good, and
2)He will always pose for you.

AJ and I play "house of the dead" on the Sunday before leaving Whitby. Well you can't visit a seaside resort without playing on some of the amusements. And it was pissing it down with rain outside, so taking shelter from the rain is a good excuse for playing on the games….

The main thing to note on this photo, is AJ's little bondage bear, who even has his own email address. What can I say? AJ has a great sense of humour. And an interesting way of looking at things. To quote him, if you watch tellytubbies with the sound off, and Temple of Love playing in the background, the tellytubbies will start to dance to it..

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