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Here's A list of some of the people I know from the NET with links to their web pages where Applicable
( If your name is not on here but you want it to be. E-mail me :)) :-
Names in bold means I have met them IRL.

[Web Page] Abassi AKA: Waterfall
What can I say? Strange Girl...

[Web Page] Ad
One of the Net's nice guy's
(EDITOR: "Congratulations on your marrage!!!")

[Web Page] Agm
Spoo. Spod....

[Web Page] alaric

[Web Page] Alayia
a lovely lady.

[Web Page] algernon

[Web Page] Allahnah AKA: Jinx, Rhayvn, 'Er indoors, Da net.Missis
has a sister with a sheep fetish.
(EDITOR: "I remember the threesome with you and your sister well...... 3way phone conversation of course ;0)")

[Web Page] Altiera
finally found a 6foot welshman ;0).
(EDITOR: "Nice piercings")

[Web Page] Anastasia AKA: snowowl
A very cute spod....
(EDITOR: "Told you that Dress looked good")

[Web Page] Andromeda
Mistress of #Dark_Embrace.

[Web Page] Anglefish
Trefs lovely Wife.
(EDITOR: "You never did fix me up with a nice american!")

[Web Page] Aphrael
NEWI spod, whos been spodding here longer than me. a real old-timer.
(EDITOR: "Sorry couldn't resist!!!!")

[Web Page] Archaea
cute net.goth.

[Web Page] Arnie
Cute welsh spod.
(EDITOR: "Dwoods IRL gf. Lucky git")

[Web Page] Attilathenun
The Lady that introduced the LRPers to the world of Talkers.

[Web Page] Ax AKA: Xorthan
The MUD mad man.. and Another Old time NEWI spod...
(EDITOR: "Remember 1)Pen doesn't get drunk 2)Pen remembers ALL!!!!.")

[Web Page] Azriel AKA: Morgaine, Memnoch
A beautiful and special girl who is a bad influance on me. (or was.. before we split up!!!)
(EDITOR: "I will remember you always!!!!!")

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