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Right, now I am assuming that this photo is a bit odd and that everyone does not have a photograph of themselfs sitting on a floor playing a harp with their hair in bunches......
errrr unless you were a female harp player I guess???

Right... NO. I was not drunk, or stoned... It was two days into a five day visit to a flat of 5 female students in Aberystwyth.. and Bogit the international terrorist had just got herself a harp, now da Babbit had been tuning the harp with the wonderfull babbit hearing, while da wolfbitch had decided to give me bunches cos it would make me look cute and she liked playing with my hair.... so as we four were waiting to go out to meet up with madwolf and flood (ARRRRRAAAAFFFFFFF!!!!!!) I ended up sitting on a floor with a harp in my hands, my hair in bunches, minding my own business when a camera apeared from nowhere... and this innocent shot was taken... There see, nothing strange in the photo after all.. all simple and normal when explained ;0)

I am just glad the other photos from that visit were never scanned, and are safely stored in London with WolfBitch!!

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