OK.. after many years of spodding and surfing the net I
finally found a photograph of myself in front of a
computer... in fact you cant see, but On the screen is a
unix telnet window with tf running and a talker on it....
So yes its a photo of me spodding.. I can no longer deny
it... I am a spod!!!!
The photo was taken about 3 years ago by Ax. The mad
muppet decided he wanted a photo of me... well what can I
say.. he loves me......... So where better to find me than
in my second home at the time A207 the IT lab aka Pen's
Place.... after dark when the spods all surface.......
You can tell its an old photo because I am wearing a watch,
and I gave up the whole concept of time a couple of years
ago, and stopped carrying any time devices at the time... I
believe to many people live their lives by the watch..
always rushing or waiting.. checking the time every ten
minutes... they never stand back and take time to look at
life... and the stress of living with the clock ages them
faster and is not good for them.. so i gave up time... and
it shows.. I am really 200 years old but look about