The Reindeer Liberation Front is a great institution which has existed for a while longer than its web site. Want to know more about our background? Read on, brave reindeer liberator, and digest this history of the RLF, written by Laz Spashett (formerly Laz Taylor), RLF London Publicity Officer, and added to by Barry Taylor, RLF Chairperson.


The RLF was formed sometime around Christmas 1994. Rudolph made a secret visit to some sympathetic humans, and from that meeting the RLF began. A few days later, Laz Taylor saw a poster on the door of someone else's room in her university accommodation in Aberystwyth. That poster showed Rudolph smiling happily with Santa Claus hanging from a noose in the background. The words Rhyddhewch y Ceirw! Rhaid i Sion Corn farw! (Welsh for Free the Reindeer! Santa Claus must die!) were written on it, as was a speech bubble from the mouth of the cartoon Rudolph with the words Crogwch y b*****d! (Hang the b*****d). The RLF now had a motto and a chant.

Membership grew slowly in those early days, with few hearing the message of Rudolph. But then Laz had an idea... She had free email access from her college, so on behalf of the RLF she sent a speculative email to several of her friends, a recruitment letter, later followed by an email Newsletter. Several new committed members joined us.

Then the newsgroup alt.religion.santaism was called to our attention, and the lies etc which were being spread there. Laz moved in, to begin the RLF's presence in that group. It was weak at first, due to lack of time.

In those early days, several reindeer were liberated. These were mostly baby reindeer who were marked out as was Rudolph, with a red nose. The first of these was Disglair, who's nose can light up at will (Disglair means "shining"). He was followed by Freedom Vanilla and Annibyniaeth (Anni) Vanilla, all of whom are in Laz's care although they are currently staying with Barry. Aine was next, she lives with John "Topsey" Spashett, and is very happy. Liberty was freed by a non-member, but now lives with Ceri "Babbit" Jacquemain (was Roberts), who also looks after Enfys. Shroom Vanilla who's the largest of the liberated reindeer so far, and Varney a small brown reindeer liberated from Birmingham, live with Wayne "BlueBows-Pendragon" Owens. And the latest liberation is Sparkle, a small brown reindeer who was discovered hiding somewhere in England and now lives with Freedom, Disglair, and Anni. Latest reports on his health is that the shaking in fear has stopped, and he's responding well to the care and attention he receives from the RLF.

Later, Barry Taylor (RLF Chairman) gained Internet access, and thus the homepage was born after much hard work (and cursing Windows 95!). Publicity and therefore new members were gained by his efforts on the aforementioned newsgroup alt.religion.santaism, where the fight to convince the misled continues....

Unfortunatly Santa's spies got hold of the Web address. So to prevent Santa from misusing the information on these pages, and to protect the safety of the Liberated Reindeer the pages were moved. Luckily Wayne "BlueBows-Pendragon" Owens, Reindeer Liberator and Foster Parent, was able to give the pages a new home. So the work of the RLF can continue unhamperd by the evil plans of santa!!!

RLF activities

Members of the RLF go on "liberation raids" to free as many reindeer as possible. Also, members have formed friendships and more. An RLF picnic was held in June 1996, with all the liberated Reindeer in attendance, as were several RLF members, including the reindeer's "foster parents". Photos coming soon

Social activities like this help to strengthen the friendship and trust within the RLF. Rudolph himself has said that he greatly approves.

Around Christmas 1996, we received reports that certain RLF members had been highlighting the plight of the reindeer by sticking "noses" made of circles of red reflective plastic on "reindeer crossing" road signs. Rudolph salutes those brave reindeer liberators!