From the Whitby Gothic Weekend!!
[Nov 2nd - Nov 4th 2000]

[Photo] The Whitby Gothic Weekend, November 2000.

While the rest of the UK was fighting off the devastating storms and floods that almost crippled the country, The coastal town of Whitby saw the bi-annual gathering of thousands of Goths.

Which was no small achievement in itself, since all the roads leading into Whitby were under several feet of water. All train services were cancelled, or running hours late and the nearby city of York was being evacuated.
Weather is an odd thing. All the roads leading into Whitby were flooded and all but impassable. The nearby towns were being evacuated by helicopter; there was chaos everywhere, yet Whitby itself was dry, sunny and warm for the entire weekend?

These pictures were taken to show how dry and sunny Whitby was, since I had just received a phone call asking how bad the weather was, since Whitby had been featured on the main national news as being flooded and under 4 feet of water.

I even managed to get myself in the photograph I was taking! Well I managed to get my shadow. In the bottom left hand corner of the picture you can see the shadows of Sally and myself.
[Photo] Just look how calm and peaceful the sea is. No waves, No clouds, Just the bright sun shining on lovely blue water. You couldn't have asked for a nicer weekend, and yet it was November? At the coast? While the UK was being battered by storms the likes of which have never been seen? I don't know which Goth waved the dead chicken about to give us such beautiful weather, but whoever you are…
I thank you!!

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