From the Whitby Gothic Weekend!!
[Nov 2nd - Nov 4th 2000]

The river Ouse, York.

This photograph was taken on the journey home from Whitby, partly to finish off the roll of film in the camera, and partly to show just how bad the flooding was. The idea was to compare it with the pictures taken at Whitby where there was not even any puddles, and this river that was not that far away.

After driving around the edge of York to give Colin a lift home, and seeing the effects of the flooding, and actually how bad it was in real life (You never get the real feel from news footage on TV) I feel sorry for any of the poor unfortunates who had to live through the floods in York

By the way: those green things that look like the tops of bushes sticking out from under the water, are in fact the tops of trees. What the photograph did miss was the top part of some buildings roof that was just visible above the water line.

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