From the Whitby Gothic Weekend!!
[Apr 24th - Apr 26th 1998]
(Thanks to Sian, Sal, and Colin for the Photos!!!)

[Photo] I have no idea what kind of pose I am trying to do here. It looks like a cross between surprise, the startled bunny pose, and the "I didn't did do it" look I normally have when people say my name.

Maybe I was startled by my photograph being taken, as Colin decides to come out the closet. Well he really had to come out sometime, since the girls couldn't hang up their clothes while he was in there, and not one of their dresses fitted him properly. So out he came.

In case you are wondering, the blue tags we are wearing are net.goth tags. They help us remember our names no matter how drunk we get. And more importantly, warn people what we are, so they can run for their lives.
Colin's completely out the closet now, and we are all so proud of him. Well you have to be proud, he resisted temptation and left the girls feather boas back in the closet. This was a lot harder for him to do than you may think, and there are photo's to prove it.

I just noticed something. Most the photographs of me and Col, seem to have been taken in the girls room. So I would like to take this opportunity to state we did not spent all our time in the girls room, even if it was bigger than our room, and had girls in it. But all the photos were taken in the short time we were in their room before heading to the event? (Anyone believe me?)
[Photo] BLONDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What can you do with them?

Seeing a photograph being taken that she was not in, Sian decides to walk in front of the camera, just as the shot was being taken so she would accidentally appear in the picture. You should see how hard it is to try and walk innocently, and in such a way, that you look like this in a photo.

The problems celebrities have with the public and cameras. The star struck public will go to any lengths just to appear in a photo with you. They have no shame, and its worse when they are blondes (Only Kidding hon!)

The only thing I can't work out, is why she is trying to feel out knees?

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