From the Whitby Gothic Weekend!!
[Nov 5th - Nov 7th 1999]

[Photo] The water you can see in this picture is actually sea water, and what this photo does not show is that the door way was about 20 foot above sea level. Another thing not clearly shown is the strength of the wind, it was bending sold iron lamp posts almost in double. And anyone foolish enough to walk out the door was instantly blown away. Well the locals did say it was the worst storm in 20 or so years.

Now a storm like that is annoying to most people, but spare a thought for the poor Goths, think of all that hair die, Hair spray, Makeup, flowing capes, Crushed Velvet, and other fancy bits and pieces that go into making a decent outfit.

Saying that, there was one Girl who was loving the storm, she spent ages outside just dancing and twirling about, singing as the long blue extensions in her hair was whipped about by the winds. I really should have got a photo of her…

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