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Abbreviations | Get confused between a BRB and a BBL? Wonder why people keep ROTFLing at you?? check out those confusing words here with a list of internet Abbreviations. |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator (URL) The World Wide Web uses URL's to specify the location of files on other servers. |
Country Codes | List Of Country codes from IP/Mail addresses (.net/.uk.fr etc) |
Spod | A spod is someone who hangs out on the net a lot. |
Talkers | These are Telnet based Chat programs that alow you to talk to people all over the world. |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat. This is another kind of Chat program |
MUD | Roleplaying kill everything D&D style of telnet chat program |
FINGER | Foraging Information Gets Eratic Results. (FINGER) This is a program that lets you atempt to find out informating about another person by "fingering" their server. |
PING | Packet INformation Gopher (PING) A way of checking conection speed and route integrity |
Unix Signals | UNIX: system signals. (Listing) |
Sluugy Freelance, Online Daily Comic.. Great fun... Long Li ve Riff!! | |