(Points are at the end of each question.)
yes no 1 Ever laughed at someone else’s misfortune? (1 point) yes no 2 Ever laughed at a physically or mentally handicapped person? (2 points) yes no 3 Ever tried alcohol? (1 point) yes no 4 Ever been drunk? (2 points) yes no 5 Ever play drinking games? (2 points) yes no 6 Ever fall down because you drank too much? (3 points) yes no 7 Ever drink enough to throw up? (4 points) yes no 8 BONUS: Throwing up on yourself or another person (1 extra point) yes no 9 Ever wake up and not remember what you did the night before (5 points) yes no 10 Ever been forcibly removed from a bar? (8 points) yes no 11 Ever participated in/finished a pub crawl? (5 points) yes no 12 Do you drink regularly…at least 3 times a week? (3 points) yes no 13 BONUS:…at least 4 times a week? (1 extra point) yes no 14 BONUS:…at least 5 times a week? (1 extra point) yes no 15 BONUS:…at least 6 times a week? (1 extra point) yes no 16 BONUS:…at least 7 times a week? (1 extra point) yes no 17 Ever fall asleep/pass out in a bar? (4 points) yes no 18 Ever try pot? (4 points) yes no 19 Ever try hash? (4 points) yes no 20 Ever try magic mushrooms? (4 points) yes no 21 Do you do drugs regularly? (4 points) yes no 22 BONUS: 4 times a week? (4 extra points) yes no 23 Ever bought “soft drugs”? (4 points) yes no 24 Ever sell drugs? (8 points) yes no 25 Ever sell drugs to support a drug habit? (12 points) yes no 26 Ever use barbiturates? (8 points) yes no 27 Ever use hallucinogens? {i.e.. LSD} (8 points) yes no 28 Ever use narcotics? (10 points) yes no 29 >Ever been stoned or drunk for more than 48 hours? (8 points) yes no 30 Ever been on a date? (2 points) yes no 31 Ever been felt up or groped? (2 points) yes no 32 BONUS: Orgasm? (2 extra points)